West Coast - Iceland in Miniature

Overall, can you already imagine what awaits us here?
11-12 hours
Max 4 pers.
Year - round
Difficulty: Easy
Tour description

The route of this tour runs through the western part of Iceland, specifically the Snæfellsnes Peninsula—an intriguing area where I've selected the most vibrant attractions. This route stands out because it's not as popular among tourists as the Southern coast, providing the opportunity to savor nature and capture beautiful scenes with fewer people around. The beauty of the vast, rugged landscape featuring cliffs, lava fields, mountain ranges, and the nearby ocean leaves competitors behind.

This is one of the most enriching journeys in the "comfort" category, but don't worry— you've chosen me as your companion for a reason, so get ready for a true adventure! It will be a fairly long day with numerous stops and a distance of about 450 km. (In winter months, the tour will be adapted to the available daylight.)

Let's put it this way, Snæfellsnes, which translates to "Snow Mountain Peninsula," is often referred to as Iceland in miniature—can you already imagine what awaits us?

After a long drive, our first stop will be Seal Beach - Ytri Tunga. If the weather is in our side, we'll observe families of these amusing animals basking in the sun on the rocks of white sandy beach, particularly popular among photographers. And there's also the magnificent backdrop of the Snæfellsjökull glacier.

Continuing south, we'll pass by the unassuming village of Budir, where its sole attraction, the small black church - Budakirkja - is a favorite among photographers. The endless fields with just one church on the horizon offer an impressive view.

Next, we'll stroll along the Atlantic Ocean coastline near the village of Arnarstapi, marveling at the peculiar rocks and bird cliffs. In this village, we'll enjoy a delicious meal and gather strength for the journey ahead. The coastline resembles a work of art by a masterful painter: its basalt columns and rocks surround one of Iceland's most impressive natural harbors. We'll walk across an interesting stone bridge that will make you feel like you're literally in another, magical world. Expect plenty of beautiful photos here!

Now, it's time for the jeep to come into play and take us as close as possible (depending on weather conditions) to the Snæfellsjökull glacier. Here is the hero of our trip (and the peninsula's landmark) in all its glory: a dormant volcano over 1400 meters high, towering over the Snæfellsnes National Park. No words can describe its majestic beauty and the views from this height.

After savoring the magnificent view, we'll head to Djupalonssandur beach, located at the base of the glacier. The road to this black pebbly beach passes through lava fields covered with beautiful moss, revealing another set of wonderful views. Once a thriving fishing village, today the bay remains uninhabited but still holds traces of its past.

It's time for Iceland's postcard view – Kirkjufell Mountain (Church Mountain), considered the most famous and photographed in Iceland. The unique "Church Mountain" earned its name due to its characteristic cylindrical shape resembling a spire. This place will be especially significant for Game of Thrones fans who may recognize Kirkjufell from the seventh season of the series.

All these attractions in one day? Yes, nothing is impossible! And that's not all. I have some secret locations. So if you're not tired yet, just ask me, and I'll take you there.

  • Seal beach Ytri tunga
  • Black churc Búðakirkja
  • Fishing village Arnastapi
  • Surroundings of Glacier Snæfellsjökul
  • Mountaon Kirkjufell and waterfall Kirkjufellfoss
  • Black beach Djúpalónssandur
  • Secret spots
Bring with you
  • Seasonal clothes
  • Hiking boots
  • Raincoat
  • Snacks
Price Includes
  • Super Jeep Wrangler 4xe and fuel
  • Certified guide - professional driver
  • Pickup and return to the hotel
  • Soft drinks and hot tea
  • Wi-Fi in the car
  • Photos from the trip
Price Excludes
  • Food (we will make a stop for lunch)